1. Bank Nifty Future is a derivative contract traded on National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) whose underlying is Bank Nifty Index. This means that Bank Nifty futures will derive its value from the BankNifty index which in turn is dependent upon the movement of top banking stocks in the index.
  2. Nifty futures has a very special place in the Indian derivative markets. It's the most frequently traded futures tool, and in the Indian derivative markets; it has become the most liquid contract.

    For Indian equity market, NIFTY 50 index is the benchmark stock market index of National Stock Exchange of India, Nifty is a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Stock Exchange Strategic Investment Corporation Limited.

    India Index Services and Products (IISL) owns and manages the same.

    There are agencies that provide their intra-day calling services to inform the traders about the current fluctuations of the market and help with stock buying and selling activities in Nifty, after a subscription.

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